$997.00 USD

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Energy Appointment

This Is The Secret Sauce For Your Business 

An Energetic Reading of Your Business.  (Think Psychic Reading meets business audit)

Where I go through your business service by service, product by product.

Let me set the stage for you....

I walk up to the mall that is your business, are the doors open or are they locked?

When I walk into the atrium, how does it feel? This is where people come to build that know like and trust factor.

Then I go through each store (which is each product/service that you have) what is going on inside them?  Is there a constant buzz like lululemon or is it a dusty old vacant storefront? 

I will explore the back office and talk to the clients who are lined up outside of the mall .....

Because your clients are lined up to work with you... you just have to remove the blocks and open the doors.

What you get:

A one-hour Energy Appointment, where I go through every aspect of your business.

Once purchased, you will get an email from me to set up your appointment time.


Fun Fact:  If you are a numbers person and love learning about the spiritual/angel meanings or numerology behind numbers.  666 is a sign of love and devotion. Your angels are telling you that you need to connect with the divine feminine energy. This means you should listen to what your heart is telling you, and not always follow your head.